Offering three amazing varieties, Revolution Green Arnica+ is made locally with ingredients chosen specifically for their topical medicinal properties, making it great for arthritis, daily aches and pains, pre/post-surgery, joint pain, general inflammation, repetitive stress injuries, bruising and more, including several accounts of significant relief for Multiple Sclerosis sufferers!

With 10+ years of experience in topical manufacturing, we offer not only a balance of 2:1 THC:CBD ratio for alleviation in our salve, but a complete blended formula featuring natural herbs and extracts offering the best all-around pain relief for all demographics. We know a good topical is hard to find and are confident that our entirely unique product line offers something that no others do, and that it more than compares with others available!


Offering our Original, a Heatwave, and a Fire & Ice variety, we give you the ability to choose your own type of pain relief and offer a one-of-a-kind product line at a great price! As our product is a salve, it penetrates deep into the tissues and a little amount goes a long way. It continues to provide relief throughout the day, so constant reapplication is unnecessary!

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